Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It is the school holidays and my brave mummy decided to take us, plus our 2 cuzzies to orana park - by herself!!! It started off a really nice day but by 1pm it was back to about 3 degrees so it was hot chocolates all round. We were all on our best behaviour and only once did mum have to pass me to a complete stranger while she sorted out the pram to get it on the train that took us around the park.
P.S. Thanks to Katey for leaving behind her sheepskin jacket in NZ for Amy... it is not as long as it used to be! but she still likes to wear it.
Its another rainy Thursday.... we might head over to the other cuzzies' place today to play with all their toys.

1 comment:

EKB42 said...

brrrrrr 3 degrees thats absurd...... glad to see you are getting out and about though

as always love the photo's, it looks like you have lots of fun with your cousins, I've had my cousin staying with me this week, its been awesome

lots of love