Well today is my BIRTHDAY!!! and i am 2 years old. Mum cant believe it. And because she only managed 2 photos of me on my birthday last year she made sure she took heaps this year - starting with listening to my cuzzies sing happy birthday to me on the phone, eating brekkie, jumping for joy at the sight of my oh so cool birthday farm cake complete with jelly pond for the ducks and mud bath for the pigs and crushed up crunchie bar for the icecream truck to park on.
I was spoilt rotten and received heaps of lovely gifts from everyone and i ate heaps with all my mates. The cuzzies dressed up into amy's clothes and I was so happy i even let amy wear my new pair of undies while i tried on my new hard hat. I do love my Bob the Builder toolbelt especially since it plays a tune that will drive mum crazy over the next few weeks. And of course i couldnt forget to say happy birthday to my friend Zara in London who turns 2 as well this week!